Cambridge Cancer Research Hospital will combine clinical expertise from Addenbrooke's Hospital with cutting-edge research from the Cancer Research UK Cambridge Centre and the University of Cambridge.

By working together across different disciplines, we are breaking down barriers between the laboratory and the clinic, enabling patients to benefit from the latest innovations in cancer science.
We are detecting cancer at its earliest stage and are developing personalised treatments for patients.
By embedding three world-leading research institutes within Cambridge Cancer Research Hospital (CCRH) focused on early detection, integrated cancer medicine and precision breast cancer medicine, we are closing the gap between the lab bench and patient bedside.

Early Cancer Institute Research Clinic
The genetic, environmental and lifestyle risk factors for cancer are present throughout our lives. But we are often unaware of them, or unable to change them.
For most cancers, earlier diagnosis greatly improves the outcomes of treatment. Cambridge research is poised to radically transform patients' lives through new modes of early detection.
Our pipeline of novel diagnostic devices and risk prediction algorithms for cancer is already renowned. But our new hospital will bring forward their use in patients by years.
Embedded within the hospital, the Early Cancer Institute Research Clinic will lead the way in helping advance early cancer detection technologies.
Institute for Integrated Cancer Medicine
The power of artificial intelligence will enable personalised medicine in real time to take place like never before. By adopting an integrated approach the Institute for Integrated Cancer Medicine is leading the way, enabling clinicians to offer more precise treatments.
We are bringing together multiple diverse data sets and using cutting-edge artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyse treatment response in real-time. This integrated approach will enable us to make the best clinically-informed decisions and to tailor therapy to each patient.
Integrated Cancer Medicine aims to transform the way the world treats cancer to accelerate cures.

Precision Breast Cancer Institute
Cambridge has a distinguished past as the place where ‘the secret of life’ – DNA – was first discovered. Building on its leading genomic expertise, CCRH will forge a new way in personalised, precision medicine.
Precision cancer treatment combines DNA sequencing with data from scans and samples to tailor bespoke treatments for patients, and redesign care pathways. Genome sequencing is likely to become routine care for NHS patients and Cambridge's fundamental science expertise remains pivotal in the development of genomic technologies.
The precision story continues, with Illumina, the world leaders of DNA sequencing technology, founded here. The city is home to the East Genomic Laboratory Hub (one of seven hubs underpinning the NHS Genomic Medicine Service), the Wellcome Genome Campus and multiple NHS precision cancer programmes.
Our world-leading precision breast cancer research is applying the latest genomic advances to tailor treatment for breast cancer patients.