We are co-producing the Cambridge Cancer Research Hospital.

This means we work closely with current or former cancer patients and their families, as well as staff and other stakeholders to make sure we build the best hospital to meet everyone’s needs.
As the project progresses, the ideas and feedback from our stakeholders is taken into account at every opportunity and our patients are involved in every workstream and also sit on our Joint Delivery Board.
This approach is one that has been in place at Cambridge University Hospitals for a long time. The Cancer Patient Partnership Group has been involved in cancer services for more than a decade, having extensive input into projects such as the oncology department's waiting room refurbishment and designing new hospital gowns .
Watch a video about co-production with the Cancer Patient Partnership Group
Link: https://player.vimeo.com/video/395135251
This approach to co-production is mirrored in the Cambridge Cancer Research Hospital project. Read more about how our patients and our staff are involved in everything from the design of the building to how we can use digital technology to improve the patient experience.